How to use Law of Attraction to Manifest Body Transformation

How to use Law of Attraction to Manifest Body Transformation

When I was 18, I weighed 109 kgs (240 lbs).

I made many attempts to transform my body.

I tried to find the perfect diet and exercise regimes.

But somehow I was never able to stick with them for more than a few months.

But something interesting started to happen when a mentor of mine introduced me to a book on the Law of Attraction.

(It was called 'Ask and it is Given' by Abraham Hicks.)

Over a period of a few months, without changing my diet or exercise, I started losing weight.

I thought this was a fluke and I was used to re-gaining the weight in the past.

But over a period of about two years, I lost 34 kgs (75 lbs).

I want to mention one important thing.

I started losing weight because I changed my thoughts and belief systems before I changed my diet or exercise patterns.

As I lost 34 kgs and my self-identity changed, I naturally leaned towards eating different types of food.

But I was only able to change my habits because my belief system was aligned to the goals that I wanted to achieve.

How do you apply the Law of Attraction?

Law of Attraction is pretty simple in theory, but it does require practice.

Here is a somewhat watered down summary of the Law of Attraction:

"By focusing on your desires with a positive intent - you are likely to attract people, situations and actions that lead to the manifestation of you desires."

There are three key aspects to put The Law of Attraction into use:

1. Focusing on your desires

- Pinpoint the feeling you are trying to achieve with your desire

- Being able to visualise and feel the outcome of your desire

2. Maintaining a positive vibration

- BELIEVE (with complete sincerity) that you already have what you want

- Acting as if you are already achieving your goal

- Feeling what you want in the present moment - emotional visualisation

- Trusting and enjoying the process - and not trying so hard you cause resistance

- Gratitude for where you are currently and being at peace with it

- Being open to all possible ways to achieving your desires

3. Removing limiting beliefs 

- " I don't deserve it"

- "It's not natural for me"

In today's post, we'll be focusing on the third key aspect - Removing limiting beliefs that are not aligned with your desires.

(Not to worry, I'll cover the other two aspects in separate blog posts)

The reason we're starting with removing limiting beliefs is because limiting beliefs is like having weeds in the foundation of your building.

You want to remove weeds from your foundation so it doesn't ever bother you in the future.

Limiting Belief example:

Let's say Sally has a goal that "I want to lose X kgs"

Simultaneously, Sally also has a limiting belief that:

"I'm born fat and it will take work to lose weight and maintain it."

The conflict between the goal and limiting belief will create a self-sabotaging cycle.

Sally may work really hard to lose weight, but she would gain it back because of the belief that it is not a "natural state for me to be skinny".

Belief Exercise:

The beliefs that are holding you back may be different to the example above (or they may also be similar).

Here's an exercise for you to start becoming aware of your own limiting beliefs:

Step 1:

Take a pen and paper out.

(writing on paper is one of the most effective self-reflection tools).

Step 2:

Write down 10 self-limiting beliefs you have regarding being able to lose weight.

(this might take a while especially when you're getting to the last few. But take your time because the last few beliefs will end up being the most important)

Step 3:

Number your beliefs from the strongest to weakest.

(read them out back to yourself and see which ones have the biggest emotional response to you).

Step 4:

Take the top 3 limiting beliefs you have and turn them into empowering beliefs.


Limiting belief: "I'm born fat and it will take work to lose weight and maintain it."

turns into,

Empowering belief: "It is natural for my body to reach a healthy weight and energise me throughout the day"

What to do with these empowering beliefs?

Once you've found 2-3 empowering beliefs to replace your limiting beliefs, repeat them to yourself on a regular basis (ideally daily).

You may want to have these beliefs written on your desk, your mobile home screen, or your bedside table.

Design your environment intelligently.

How long do you need to do this?

Remember that the current beliefs you hold have been with you for years, if not decades.

Be patient with the process and consciously re-wire your beliefs one day at a time.

With conscious effort, you'll start to notice your default beliefs starting to change within 2 weeks.

Once you shift your beliefs, you'll start to notice that these beliefs will generate thoughts that are aligned with your goals..

..And these thoughts will generate feelings that you want to experience from your goals...

..And your feelings will lead to effortless action that is totally and completely aligned with your goals...

..And you will create a positive-working feedback loop, instead of a self-sabotaging cycle.

Let me know how you go with this! 

Stay empowered 🙂

- Kern

Side Note:

Give yourself time with this exercise and really enquire within regarding your limiting beliefs.

This whole exercise may take you 20-40 minutes to complete.

But once you do it, you'll save countless hours of self-sabotaging behaviour down the track.

Keep in the back of your mind that the result of re-wiring your beliefs will be compounded over time!

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About the Author - Kern Kapoor

Kern's interest in psychology and human behaviour lead him to lose 34kg. He is a Certified Nutrition Coach (Pn2) and is currently on a mission is to create a community of 10,000 people who have undergone long-term body transformation.

If you'd like some one-on-one help with your weight loss goals, get in touch with him at